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Actualización presentada por la Oficina del Ombudsman del Comité de Sanciones contra el EIIL (Dáesh) y Al-Qaida abarcando el período comprendido entre el 08ago17 y el 07feb18
Ir al inicioNaciones Unidas
Consejo de SeguridadS/2018/120
Distr. general
14 de febrero de 2018
Original: inglésCarta de fecha 14 de febrero de 2018 dirigida a la Presidencia del Consejo de Seguridad por la Presidencia del Comité del Consejo de Seguridad dimanante de las resoluciones 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) y 2253 (2015) relativas al Estado Islámico en el Iraq y el Levante (Dáesh), Al-Qaida y las personas, grupos, empresas y entidades asociadas
Tengo el honor de adjuntar una carta de la Oficial de Asuntos Jurídicos que presta apoyo a la Oficina del Ombudsman, en la que se transmite una actualización descriptiva de las actividades realizadas por la Oficina, en lugar del informe solicitado en el párrafo 20 c) del anexo II de la resolución 2368 (2017) del Consejo de Seguridad, con arreglo al cual el Ombudsman ha de presentar al Consejo informes bianuales en que se resuman sus actividades.
Le agradecería que tuviera a bien señalar la presente carta y la actualización descriptiva a la atención de los miembros del Consejo de Seguridad y disponer que se publiquen como documento del Consejo.
(Firmado) Kairat Umarov
Presidente del Comité del Consejo de Seguridad dimanante de las
resoluciones 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) y 2253 (2015)
relativas al Estado Islámico en el Iraq y el Levante (Dáesh),
Al-Qaida y las personas, grupos, empresas y entidades asociadas
Carta de fecha 8 de febrero de 2018 dirigida a la Presidencia del Comité del Consejo de Seguridad dimanante de las resoluciones 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) y 2253 (2015) relativas al Estado Islámico en el Iraq y el Levante (Dáesh), Al-Qaida y las personas, grupos, empresas y entidades asociadas por la Oficial de Asuntos Jurídicos que presta apoyo a la Oficina del Ombudsman
Tengo el honor de adjuntar una actualización descriptiva de las actividades realizadas por la Oficina del Ombudsman en lugar del informe que solicita el Consejo de Seguridad en el párrafo 20 c) del anexo II de su resolución 2368 (2017), con arreglo al cual el Ombudsman debe presentar al Consejo informes bianuales en que se resuman sus actividades.
La actualización recoge las actividades llevadas a cabo por la Oficina en los seis meses transcurridos desde la publicación del último informe de la anterior Ombudsman (S/2017/685) y abarca el período comprendido entre el 8 de agosto de 2017 y el 7 de febrero de 2018.
Le agradecería que tuviera a bien hacer distribuir la presente carta y la actualización a los miembros del Consejo de Seguridad y disponer que se publiquen como documento del Consejo.
(Firmado) Natacha Wexels-Riser
Oficial de Asuntos Jurídicos de la
Oficina del Ombudsman
Actualización presentada por la Oficina del Ombudsman con arreglo a lo dispuesto en la resolución 2368 (2017) del Consejo de Seguridad en lugar de su informe bianual
I. Antecedentes
1. En el presente documento se ofrece información actualizada sobre las actividades que la Oficina del Ombudsman ha realizado desde que se publicó su 14° informe (S/2017/685) el 7 de agosto de 2017.
2. Como se señaló en dicho informe, la Ombudsman dejó su cargo el 7 de agosto de 2017. El puesto permaneció vacante durante el período que se examina y al 7 de febrero de 2018 continuaba sin haberse nombrado a un sustituto.
3. La Ombudsman dejó instrucciones detalladas para los funcionarios que prestan apoyo a la Oficina a fin de asegurar que esta siguiera funcionando durante el período de transición (véase el anexo I). Las instrucciones provisionales se transmitieron al Comité del Consejo de Seguridad dimanante de las resoluciones 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) y 2253 (2015) relativas al Estado Islámico en el Iraq y el Levante (Dáesh), Al -Qaida y las personas, grupos, empresas y entidades asociadas. No se presentaron objeciones a las instrucciones de la Ombudsman y la Oficina sigue funcionando de manera oficiosa hasta que se nombre al nuevo titular del cargo. Esta actualización descriptiva se refiere a las actividades llevadas a cabo por la Oficina siguiendo dichas instrucciones, sin que en ella se examine ninguna cuestión sustantiva.
II. Actividades relacionadas con los casos de supresión de nombres de la Lista
4. Las principales actividades realizadas por la Oficina del Ombudsman durante el período que se examina se refirieron a solicitudes de supresión de nombres de la Lista presentadas por particulares y entidades.
Casos de supresión de nombres de la Lista
5. En el período examinado, se presentó un nuevo caso a la Oficina del Ombudsman. Conforme a las instrucciones de la anterior Ombudsman, la solicitud se evaluó por su admisibilidad prima facie y la Oficina comenzó a reunir información sobre el caso de manera oficiosa. El abogado de una persona incluida en la Lista se puso en contacto con la Oficina para preguntar sobre sus procedimientos. Se prevé que este intercambio dé lugar a una solicitud de supresión en el próximo período de examen. Desde la creación de la Oficina hasta el 7 de febrero se han recibido 80 solicitudes de supresión de nombres de la Lista. Salvo que el solicitante pida otra cosa, todos los nombres tienen carácter confidencial mientras son objeto de examen, así como en los casos de rechazo o retirada de la solicitud.
6. En total, desde que se estableció la Oficina, la Ombudsman ha presentado 76 informes exhaustivos |1| al Comité. Durante el período examinado, no se presentaron informes. Sin embargo, la anterior Ombudsman compareció ante el Comité en una ocasión para presentar dos casos que le había enviado en el período anterior.
7. Desde que se publicó el 14° informe, se ha suprimido de la lista de sanciones el nombre de una persona y el nombre de otra se ha mantenido en ella mediante el proceso del Ombudsman.
8. En total, desde que se creó la Oficina, se han resuelto, ya sea mediante el proceso del Ombudsman o por medio de una decisión separada del Comité, 77 casos de solicitudes presentadas a la Ombudsman por una persona, una entidad o una combinación de ambas. En los 74 casos tramitados íntegramente mediante el proceso del Ombudsman, se han concedido 57 solicitudes de supresión y se han rechazado 17. A raíz de la concesión de esas 57 solicitudes, se han suprimido de la Lista los nombres de 52 personas y 28 entidades, y se ha suprimido el nombre de una entidad que figuraba como alias de una entidad incluida en la Lista. Además, el Comité suprimió de la Lista los nombres de tres personas antes de que concluyera el proceso del Ombudsman y se retiró una solicitud después de que se presentara el informe exhaustivo. En el anexo 2 del presente documento se indica la situación de todos los casos, actualizada al 7 de febrero de 2018.
9. Actualmente hay dos casos pendientes en la Oficina del Ombudsman. El primero se encuentra en la fase de recogida de información. En cuanto al segundo, que se recibió durante el período que se examina, la Oficina ha comenzado a reunir información de manera oficiosa, siguiendo las instrucciones provisionales de la anterior Ombudsman. No hay casos pendientes ante el Comité. La solicitud enviada a la Oficina en el período examinado fue presentada por un particular. Hasta la fecha, de las 80 solicitudes recibidas, 72 han sido presentadas por particulares, 2 por un particular junto con una o más entidades y 6 por entidades únicamente. En 40 de los 80 casos, el solicitante recibe o recibió asistencia letrada.
Información obtenida de los Estados
10. Con respecto al caso nuevo, para el que la Oficina del Ombudsman ha comenzado a recopilar información de manera oficiosa, se han enviado cinco solicitudes de información hasta el momento a cinco Estados. Con respecto al otro caso pendiente, la Oficina ha recibido respuestas de cuatro Estados y una organización internacional. Tres de ellas eran respuestas preliminares y está previsto que se proporcione información al nuevo Ombudsman.
11. En uno de los casos pendientes, con respecto al cual ya se había alcanzado el final de la prórroga de la fase de recogida de información, el Comité decidió prolongar dicha fase tres meses como medida de transición hasta el nombramiento del nuevo Ombudsman. El solicitante no se opuso a las prórrogas iniciales. Sin embargo, el caso lleva más de diez meses en la etapa de recogida de información y el solicitante se opone a más prórrogas.
Diálogo con los solicitantes
12. Durante el período que se examina, ninguno de los casos pendientes se encontraba en la fase de diálogo.
Entrega de informes exhaustivos a los Estados interesados
13. En el párrafo 13 del anexo II de la resolución 2368 (2017), el Consejo de Seguridad dispone que, si así se le pide, el Ombudsman podrá proporcionar una copia del informe exhaustivo a un Estado interesado (Estado proponente o de nacionalidad, residencia o constitución), previa aprobación del Comité y con las expurgaciones necesarias para proteger la información confidencial. En el período que se examina, el Comité aprobó una solicitud de divulgación de un Estado, que estaba pendiente en la fecha del informe anterior.
Acceso a información clasificada o confidencial
14. En total, la Oficina del Ombudsman ha concertado 19 acuerdos o arreglos para acceder a información clasificada: dos acuerdos con Austria y Rumania, y 17 arreglos con Alemania, Australia, Bélgica, el Canadá, Costa Rica, Dinamarca, los Estados Unidos de América, Finlandia, Francia, Irlanda, Liechtenstein, Luxemburgo, Nueva Zelandia, los Países Bajos, Portugal, el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte y Suiza.
15. En el período que se examina prosiguieron las actividades para ampliar la lista de arreglos y acuerdos, y es de esperar que haya nuevos avances una vez se nombre al nuevo Ombudsman, quien deberá volver a celebrar algunos de los arreglos, ya que son nominativos. Además, un Estado ha confirmado que está dispuesto a concertar un acuerdo de intercambio de información y las autoridades nacionales están ultimando un proyecto de acuerdo como resultado de la colaboración entre la anterior Ombudsman y la Misión Permanente de dicho Estado ante las Naciones Unidas.
III. Resumen de las actividades relacionadas con el desarrollo de la Oficina del Ombudsman
16. Las actividades para seguir desarrollando y fortaleciendo la Oficina del Ombudsman continuaron, en la medida de lo posible, durante el período que se examina en ausencia de un Ombudsman.
Divulgación y difusión de la labor de la Oficina
17. El 2 de diciembre de 2017, la Oficial de Asuntos Jurídicos que presta apoyo a la Oficina del Ombudsman participó en un taller celebrado en Friburgo (Alemania) y organizado por el Instituto Max Planck de Derecho Penal Extranjero e Internacional sobre el tema de la soberanía nacional y los nuevos enfoques sobre la aplicación internacional y transnacional de la ley. La Oficial de Asuntos Jurídicos realizó una presentación sobre la dimensión humana de las sanciones, en la que repasó el contexto del régimen de sanciones aplicado al Estado Islámico en el Iraq y el Levante (Dáesh) y Al-Qaida y sus consecuencias para las personas incluidas en la Lista, el proceso del Ombudsman y la importancia de la función del Ombudsman.
Interacción con el Comité
18. Desde el 7 de agosto de 2017, la anterior Ombudsman ha comparecido ante el Comité una sola vez. El 23 de octubre presentó el informe de un caso en el que el nombre del solicitante se mantuvo en la Lista y el de Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Hussein (nombre suprimido de la Lista; anteriormente, QDi.010).
19. El personal que presta apoyo a la Oficina del Ombudsman ha continuado su colaboración periódica con el Coordinador y los miembros del Equipo de Vigilancia. El Equipo de Vigilancia ha seguido proporcionando información pertinente de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el párrafo 4 del anexo II de la resolución 2368 (2017).
Enlace con Estados, organizaciones intergubernamentales, órganos de las Naciones Unidas y organizaciones no gubernamentales
20. Durante el período que se examina, el personal que presta apoyo a la Oficina del Ombudsman siguió trabajando con los Estados, en particular con aquellos que revestían importancia para las solicitudes de supresión de la Lista que estaban pendientes. Varios Estados y organizaciones internacionales también se han puesto en contacto con la Oficina del Ombudsman para saber en qué etapa se encuentra el proceso de nombramiento del nuevo Ombudsman.
Métodos de trabajo e investigación
21. Al igual que en otras ocasiones, la tramitación de casos en el período del que se informa supuso consultar fuentes de dominio público para reunir información atinente a las solicitudes de supresión de nombres de la Lista.
Sitio web
22. El sitio web de la Oficina del Ombudsman ( siguió siendo objeto de revisiones y actualizaciones.
Preparativos para la llegada del próximo Ombudsman
23. En el período que se examina, las actividades de la Oficina del Ombudsman también se centraron en los preparativos para la llegada del nuevo titular del cargo. El objetivo de estas actividades era ayudar a que el próximo Ombudsman asimilara rápidamente los procedimientos de la Oficina y los principios expresados por los dos Ombudsman anteriores en sus informes relacionados con casos y al Consejo de Seguridad. Se espera que este material contribuya a reducir al mínimo los retrasos en la tramitación de los casos pendientes, a salvaguardar la memoria institucional y a garantizar la continuidad de las operaciones de la Oficina. Era particularmente importante recopilar estos recursos porque la actual Oficial de Asuntos Jurídicos que presta apoyo a la Oficina del Ombudsman tiene previsto tomarse un largo período de licencia antes de la llegada del próximo Ombudsman.
IV. Observaciones y conclusiones
Imparcialidad y transparencia del proceso
Acceso a los solicitantes
24. En su último informe al Consejo de Seguridad, la Ombudsman describió un caso en el que el solicitante no tuvo oportunidad de ser escuchado, de conocer los cargos en su contra y de responder a la información, ya que a la Ombudsman no se le permitió ponerse en contacto con él. La Ombudsman concluyó que el solicitante no había disfrutado de todas las condiciones de imparcialidad previstas en la resolución 2368 (2017) e indicó que había transmitido al Comité su preocupación al respecto y propuesto una medida excepcional para mitigar el hecho de que el peticionario no hubiera tenido la oportunidad de conocer los cargos en su contra. Desde entonces, el Comité ha concluido el examen del caso, pero ha rechazado la medida excepcional planteada por la anterior Ombudsman.
Cartas de exposición de motivos
25. En su último informe, la Ombudsman acogió con agrado las novedades introducidas por el Consejo de Seguridad en el párrafo 16 del anexo II de la resolución 2368 (2017) al respecto de las cartas de exposición de motivos y observó que, con el cambio, podría aumentar el nivel de imparcialidad del proceso de examen. En concreto, indicó que el nuevo párrafo era útil porque en él se reconocía que en el resumen debían describirse de forma precisa los principales motivos que explicaban la recomendación de la Ombudsman, como se reflejaba en su análisis. En los casos de supresión de un nombre de la Lista, se especificaba que el resumen debía incluir los aspectos principales del análisis de la Ombudsman.
26. La Oficina del Ombudsman se complace en comunicar que el Comité aprobó, sin realizar modificaciones, tres proyectos de resumen de motivos propuestos al Comité durante el período que se examina, conforme al nuevo párrafo del anexo II de la resolución, que se habían preparado en consulta con la anterior Ombudsman. En consecuencia, y de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la resolución, los peticionarios en esos tres casos recibieron resúmenes en los que se describían con precisión los motivos principales que explicaban la recomendación de la Ombudsman, como se reflejaba en su análisis. Sin embargo, en un cuarto caso, se modificó el resumen preparado en consulta con la anterior Ombudsman a fin de omitir un aspecto principal de su análisis y, por tanto, el resumen que se transmitió al solicitante dejó de reflejar adecuadamente los principales motivos que explicaban la recomendación de la Ombudsman, como se prevé en la resolución. Entre las razones dadas para suprimir el aspecto principal no estaba la necesidad de responder a las inquietudes en materia de seguridad o a la divulgación involuntaria de información confidencial, que es el único objetivo del examen del Comité en virtud de la resolución 2368 (2017).
27. Durante el período que se examina, el abogado del solicitante en un caso pendiente señaló a la atención de la Oficina del Ombudsman el hecho de que los medios de comunicación habían obtenido una copia de la solicitud de supresión presentada en nombre de su cliente y publicado partes de ella. La Oficina del Ombudsman solo distribuye las solicitudes de supresión al Comité al inicio del período de recogida de información y a los Estados pertinentes cuando pide datos en relación con una solicitud concreta. En cualquier otro caso, la Oficina trata el contenido y la existencia de las solicitudes de supresión con confidencialidad. La Oficina ha tomado medidas para que no vuelvan a ocurrir incidentes similares en el futuro, como la inclusión de una referencia clara a la confidencialidad de las solicitudes de supresión en la carta que se envía a los Estados pertinentes y una nueva práctica sobre el uso de filigranas en las peticiones.
28. El cargo de Ombudsman ha estado vacante durante seis meses. Se espera que en breve se nombre a un nuevo Ombudsman a fin de evitar nuevas demoras en el examen de las solicitudes de supresión pendientes.
Annex I
Letter from the Ombudsperson dated 7 August 2017Tasks to be completed upon prior instruction of the outgoing Ombudsperson
- Reasons letters in delisting cases: Obtain translations for and forward Committee's reasons letters to petitioners, as needed
- Reasons letters in retention cases:
- Prepare and obtain translations as needed for Ombudsperson's letter transmitting the reasons of the Committee (incorporating the Committee's reasons) in retention cases as needed
- Send courtesy advance copy to the Committee (24 hours)
- Send translated reasons letter to petitioners after the 24 hours' notice
- States' requests for comprehensive reports:
- transmit request to the Committee if the State is entitled to a copy of the report under the resolution, otherwise respond to the State accordingly,
- receive response from the Committee
- after approval of the Committee, send watermarked and redacted (if necessary) version of the comprehensive report to the requesting State
- Cases 76 and 78:
- Transmit translations of the comprehensive report to the Committee (triggering the 15- to 30-day period for oral presentation to the Committee)
- If needed, prepare draft reasons in consultation with the outgoing Ombudsperson and liaise with Chair on content
- Oral presentation by the former Ombudsperson of cases No. 76 and 78 (once approved by the Committee, as noted above): Liaise with Secretariat/Chair with respect to Ms. Marchi-Uhel's oral presentation of the Comprehensive reports in cases no. 76 and 78 (date, logistics etc).
- New requests (to the extent needed, depending on timing):
- evaluate admissibility of incoming petitions, request additional information from petitioner if needed,
- informally start the information-gathering by forwarding the request to the Committee and inviting relevant States to provide information. |2|
- conduct independent research, including contacts with external bodies as needed,
- Prepare questions for the petitioner and liaise with the incoming Ombudsperson once appointed as to whether he/she would prefer questions being sent in writing to the petitioner in the dialogue phase or to meet in person with the petitioner, in which case, plan trip and liaise with petitioner and State of residence accordingly.
- Prepare draft factual portions of comprehensive reports, to the extent possible
- New listings: liaise with Secretariat to obtain addresses and send letter informing new listees of the possibility to seek delisting
- Update the website, request translations, send planning table to Secretariat, as needed
- Ombudsperson database: save all documents on the S drive and delete the database
- Hardcopy files: digitize any missing information from the S drive and shred paper files
- Inform the Committee/liaise with the Chair/Secretariat on any other issues as needed
- Inform petitioners and relevant States in pending cases of the appointment of the new Ombudsperson
- Inform States with whom the Ombudsperson has an agreement or arrangement for the sharing of confidential information of the departure of the Ombudsperson, and later of the appointment of the new Ombudsperson seeking renewal where needed (personal agreements)
Annex II
Status of casesCase 1, one individual (status: denied)
Date Description 28 July 2010 Transmission of case 1 to the Committee 28 February 2011 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 10 May 2011 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 14 June 2011 Committee decision 1 September 2011 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 2, Safet Ekrem Durguti (status: delisted)
Date Description 30 September 2010 Transmission of case 2 to the Committee 26 April 2011 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 31 May 2011 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 14 June 2011 Committee decision to delist 12 August 2011 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 3, one entity (status: delisting request withdrawn by petitioner)
Date Description 3 November 2010 Transmission of case 3 to the Committee 14 June 2011 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 26 July 2011 Presentation of comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 2 August 2011 Withdrawal of petition Case 4, Shafiq Ben Mohamed Ben Mohammed Al Ayadi (status: delisted)
Date Description 6 December 2010 Transmission of case 4 to the Committee 29 June 2011 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 26 July 2011 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 17 October 2011 Committee decision to delist 8 November 2011 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 5, Tarek Ben Al-Bechir Ben Amara Al-Charaabi (status: delisted)
Date Description 30 December 2010 Transmission of case 5 to the Committee 26 April 2011 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 31 May 2011 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 14 June 2011 Committee decision to delist 12 August 2011 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 6, Abdul Latif Saleh (status: delisted)
Date Description 14 January 2011 Transmission of case 6 to the Committee 17 June 2011 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 26 July 2011 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 19 August 2011 Committee decision to delist 8 November 2011 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 7, Abu Sufian Al-Salamabi Muhammed Ahmed Abd Al-Razziq (status: delisted)
Date Description 28 January 2011 Transmission of case 7 to the Committee 29 August 2011 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 15 November 2011 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 30 November 2011 Committee decision to delist 13 February 2012 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 8, Ahmed Ali Nur Jim'ale and 23 entitiesª (status: delisted)
Date Description 17 March 2011 Transmission of case 8 to the Committee 23 September 2011 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 13 December 2011 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 27 December 2011 Committee decision to delist 6 entities 17 February 2012 Committee decision to delist 1 individual and 17 entities 8 June 2012 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons ª Barakaat North America, Inc., Barakat Computer Consulting, Barakat Consulting Group, Barakat Global Telephone Company, Barakat Post Express, Barakat Refreshment Company, Al Baraka Exchange, LLC, Barakaat Telecommunications Co. Somalia, Ltd., Barakaat Bank of Somalia, Barako Trading Company, LLC, Al-Barakaat, Al-Barakaat Bank, Al-Barakaat Bank of Somalia, Al-Barakat Finance Group, Al-Barakat Financial Holding Co., Al-Barakat Global Telecommunications, Al-Barakat Group of Companies Somalia Limited, Al-Barakat International, Al-Barakat Investments, Barakaat Group of Companies, Barakaat Red Sea Telecommunications, Barakat International Companies and Barakat Telecommunications Company Limited.
Case 9, Saad Rashed Mohammed Al-Faqih and Movement for Reform in Arabia (status: delisted)
Date Description 19 April 2011 Transmission of case 9 to the Committee 21 February 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 17 April 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 1 July 2012 Committee decision to delist 13 November 2012 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 10, Ibrahim Abdul Salam Mohamed Boyasseer (status: delisted)
Date Description 6 May 2011 Transmission of case 10 to the Committee 9 January 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 1 March 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 8 May 2012 Committee decision to delist 3 August 2012 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 11, Mondher ben Mohsen ben Ali al-Baazaoui (status: delisted)
Date Description 1 June 2011 Transmission of case 11 to the Committee 19 January 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 1 March 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 30 March 2012 Committee decision to delist 10 July 2012 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 12, Kamal ben Mohamed ben Ahmed Darraji (status: delisted)
Date Description 30 June 2011 Transmission of case 12 to the Committee 28 February 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 3 April 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 4 May 2012 Committee decision to delist 3 August 2012 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 13, Fondation Secours Mondial (status: amendedb)
Date Description 7 July 2011 Transmission of case 13 to the Committee 14 December 2011 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 24 January 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 17 February 2012 Committee decision to amend 9 July 2012 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons b Amended to be removed as an alias of Global Relief Foundation (QE.G.91.02).
Case 14, Sa'd Abdullah Hussein Al-Sharif (status: delisted)
Date Description 20 July 2011 Transmission of case 14 to the Committee 29 February 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 3 April 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 27 April 2012 Committee decision to delist 3 August 2012 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 15, Fethi Ben Al-Rebei Absha Mnasri (status: delisted)
Date Description 4 August 2011 Transmission of case 15 to the Committee 9 March 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 17 April 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 2 May 2012 Committee decision to delist 3 August 2012 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 16, Mounir Ben Habib Ben al-Taher Jarraya (status: delisted)
Date Description 15 August 2011 Transmission of case 16 to the Committee 9 March 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 17 April 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 2 May 2012 Committee decision to delist 3 August 2012 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 17, Rachid Fettar (status: delisted)
Date Description 26 September 2011 Transmission of case 17 to the Committee 27 April 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 5 June 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 20 June 2012 Committee decision to delist 21 December 2012 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 18, Ali Mohamed El Heit (status: delisted)
Date Description 5 October 2011 Transmission of case 18 to the Committee 2 May 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 3 July 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 19 July 2012 Committee decision to delist 21 December 2012 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 19, Yassin Abdullah Kadi (listed as Yasin Abdullah Ezzedine Qadi) (status: delisted)
Date Description 16 November 2011 Transmission of case 19 to the Committee 11 July 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 10 September 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 5 October 2012 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 20, Chabaane ben Mohamed ben Mohamed al-Trabelsi (status: delisted)
Date Description 21 November 2011 Transmission of case 20 to the Committee 23 April 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 5 June 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 20 June 2012 Committee decision to delist 21 December 2012 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 21, Adel Abdul Jalil Ibrahim Batterjee (status: delisted)
Date Description 3 January 2012 Transmission of case 21 to the Committee 30 August 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 6 November 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 14 January 2013 Committee decision to delist 5 September 2013 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 22, Ibrahim ben Hedhili ben Mohamed al-Hamami (status: delisted)
Date Description 6 February 2012 Transmission of case 22 to the Committee 25 September 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 6 November 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 21 November 2012 Committee decision to delist 7 February 2013 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 23, Suliman Hamd Suleiman Al-Buthe (status: delisted) (repeated request)
Date Description 23 February 2012 Transmission of case 23 to the Committee 10 October 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 27 November 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 10 February 2013 Committee decision to delist 30 August 2013 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 24, Mamoun Darkazanli (status: delisted)
Date Description 28 February 2012 Transmission of case 24 to the Committee 12 November 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 8 January 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 11 March 2013 Committee decision to delist 30 August 2013 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 25, Abdullahi Hussein Kahie (status: delisted)
Date Description 28 February 2012 Transmission of case 25 to the Committee 26 July 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 10 September 2012 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 26 September 2012 Committee decision to delist 21 December 2012 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 26, Usama Muhammed Awad Bin Laden (status: delisted)
Ombudsperson case became moot following the Committee's decision of 21 February 2013
Date Description 23 April 2012 Transmission of case 26 to the Committee 15 February 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 21 February 2013 Committee decision to delist Case 27, one individual (status: denied)
Date Description 7 May 2012 Transmission of case 27 to the Committee 11 February 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 7 May 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 7 May 2013 Committee decision to retain listing 12 June 2013 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 28, one individual (status: denied)
Date Description 7 June 2012 Transmission of case 28 to the Committee 20 November 2012 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 8 January 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 8 January 2013 Committee decision to retain listing 29 January 2013 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 29, Muhammad 'Abdallah Salih Sughayr (status: delisted)
Date Description 25 July 2012 Transmission of case 29 to the Committee 9 April 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 21 May 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 21 July 2013 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 30, Lajnat Al Daawa Al Islamiya (LDI) (status: delisted)
Date Description 25 July 2012 Transmission of case 30 to the Committee 15 April 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 2 July 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 3 September 2013 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 31, Abd al Hamid Sulaiman Muhammed al-Mujil (status: delisted)
Date Description 1 August 2012 Transmission of case 31 to the Committee 13 March 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 30 April 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 30 June 2013 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 32, Mohamed ben Mohamed ben Khalifa Abdelhedi (status: delisted)
Date Description 19 September 2012 Transmission of case 32 to the Committee 5 March 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 16 April 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 1 May 2013 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 33, Mohammed Daki (status: delisted)
Date Description 12 October 2012 Transmission of case 33 to the Committee 28 May 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 30 July 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 16 August 2013 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 34, Abdelghani Mzoudi (status: delisted)
Ombudsperson case became moot following the Committee's decision of 18 March 2013
Date Description 8 November 2012 Transmission of case 34 to the Committee 18 March 2013 Committee decision to delist Case 35, International Islamic Relief Organization, Philippines, Branch Offices (status: delisted)
Date Description 13 December 2012 Transmission of case 35 to the Committee 5 September 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 1 November 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 3 January 2014 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 36, International Islamic Relief Organization, Indonesia, Branch Offices (status: delisted)
Date Description 13 December 2012 Transmission of case 36 to the Committee 5 September 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 1 November 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 3 January 2014 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 37, Jaber Abdullah Jaber Ahmed al-Jalahmah (status: delisted)c
Date Description 4 February 2013 Transmission of case 37 to the Committee 5 September 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 1 November 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 3 January 2014 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons c Relisted on 3 January 2014 by a separate Committee decision.
Case 38, Moustafa Abbas (listed as Moustafa Abbes) (status: delisted)
Date Description 13 February 2013 Transmission of case 38 to the Committee 12 August 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 13 September 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 30 September 2013 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 39, Atilla Selek (status: delisted)
Date Description 13 February 2013 Transmission of case 39 to the Committee 2 October 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 13 December 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 31 December 2013 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 40, Youssef ben Abdul Baki Ben Youcef Abdaoui (status: delisted)
Date Description 4 March 2013 Transmission of case 40 to the Committee 14 November 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 11 February 2014 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 14 April 2014 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 41, L'hadi Bendebka (listed as Abdelhedi Ben Debka) (status: delisted)
Date Description 12 March 2013 Transmission of case 41 to the Committee 14 October 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 3 December 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 18 December 2013 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 42, Youcef Abbas (listed as Youcef Abbes) (status: delisted)
Date Description 20 March 2013 Transmission of case 42 to the Committee 2 October 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 15 November 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 3 December 2013 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 43, Said Yousef AbouAziz (listed as Said Youssef Ali Abu Aziza) (status: delisted)
Ombudsperson case became moot following the Committee's decision of 26 August 2013
Date Description 27 March 2013 Transmission of case 43 to the Committee 26 August 2013 Committee decision to delist Case 44, one individual (status: denied)
Date Description 2 May 2013 Transmission of case 44 to the Committee 4 February 2014 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 21 April 2014 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 21 April 2014 Committee decision to retain listing 30 July 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 45, one individual (status: denied)
Date Description 6 May 2013 Transmission of case 45 to the Committee 9 December 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 11 February 2014 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 11 February 2014 Committee decision to retain listing 17 March 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 46, Ahmed Nacer Yacine (status: delisted)
Date Description 10 May 2013 Transmission of case 46 to the Committee 12 December 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 25 February 2014 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 13 March 2014 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 47, Nabil Benatia (listed as Nabil ben Mohamed ben Ali ben Attia) (status: delisted)
Date Description 3 June 2013 Transmission of case 47 to the Committee 12 November 2013 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 13 December 2013 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 31 December 2013 Committee decision to delist 25 August 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 48, Wael Hamzah Jelaidan (listed as Wa'el Hamza Abd al-Fatah Julaidan) (status: delisted)
Date Description 17 June 2013 Transmission of case 48 to the Committee 19 March 2014 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 24 June 2014 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 25 August 2014 Committee decision to delist 29 October 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 49, one individual (status: denied)
Date Description 24 June 2013 Transmission of case 49 to the Committee 4 April 2014 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 24 June 2014 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 24 June 2014 Committee decision to retain listing 10 September 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 50, Al-Haramain Foundation (USA) (status: delisted)
Date Description 5 September 2013 Transmission of case 50 to the Committee 30 June 2014 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 26 August 2014 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 25 October 2014 Committee decision to delist 29 December 2014 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 51, Aqeel Abdulaziz Aqeel Al-Aqeel (status: delisted)
Date Description 28 October 2013 Transmission of case 51 to the Committee 18 August 2014 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 31 October 2014 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 2 January 2015 Committee decision to delist 3 March 2015 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 52, one individual (status: denied)
Date Description 27 May 2014 Transmission of case 52 to the Committee 18 February 2015 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 14 April 2015 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 14 April 2015 Committee decision to retain listing 10 June 2015 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 53, Abd al-Rahman Muhammad Jaffar 'Ali (status: delisted)
Date Description 13 June 2014 Transmission of case 53 to the Committee 9 December 2014 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 29 January 2015 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 31 March 2015 Committee decision to delist 12 May 2015 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 54, Abdul Rahim al-Talhi (status: delisted)
Date Description 19 June 2014 Transmission of case 54 to the Committee 29 January 2015 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 17 March 2015 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 17 May 2015 Committee decision to delist 22 July 2015 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 55, Ismail Mohamed Ismail Abu Shaweesh (status: delisted)
Date Description 23 June 2014 Transmission of case 55 to the Committee 10 November 2014 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 16 December 2014 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 2 January 2015 Committee decision to delist 17 February 2015 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 56, one individual (status: denied) (repeated request)
Date Description 5 September 2014 Transmission of case 56 to the Committee 21 April 2015 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 19 June 2015 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 19 June 2015 Committee decision to retain listing 10 July 2015 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 57, one individual (status: denied) (repeated request)
Date Description 9 September 2014 Transmission of case 57 to the Committee 8 June 2015 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 27 July 2015 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 27 July 2015 Committee decision to retain listing 20 August 2015 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 58, one individual (status: denied)
Date Description 10 September 2014 Transmission of case 58 to the Committee 29 June 2015 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 24 August 2015 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 24 August 2015 Committee decision to retain listing 30 October 2015 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 59, Al Sayyid Ahmed Fathi Hussein Eliwah (status: delisted)
Date Description 30 September 2014 Transmission of case 59 to the Committee 12 May 2015 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 19 June 2015 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 18 August 2015 Committee decision to delist 2 September 2015 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 60, Mohammed Ahmed Shawki al Islambolly (status: delisted)
Date Description 10 November 2014 Transmission of case 60 to the Committee 13 July 2015 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 24 August 2015 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 26 October 2015 Committee decision to delist 27 October 2015 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 61, Yasser Mohamed Ismail Abu Shaweesh (status: delisted)
Date Description 19 January 2015 Transmission of case 61 to the Committee 7 July 2015 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 24 August 2015 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 9 September 2015 Committee decision to delist 6 November 2015 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 62, Abd al Wahab Abd al Hafiz (status: delisted)
Date Description 11 March 2015 Transmission of case 62 to the Committee 9 November 2015 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 23 December 2015 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 11 January 2016 Committee decision to delist 22 January 2016 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 63, one individual (status: denied)
Date Description 12 March 2015 Transmission of case 63 to the Committee 10 November 2015 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 23 December 2015 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 23 December 2015 Committee decision to retain listing 12 January 2016 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 64, one individual (status: denied)
Date Description 29 May 2015 Transmission of case 64 to the Committee 25 February 2016 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 20 April 2016 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 20 April 2016 Committee decision to retain listing 9 June 2016 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 65, Farid Aider (status: delisted)
Date Description 27 August 2015 Transmission of case 65 to the Committee 26 February 2016 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 20 April 2016 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 20 June 2016 Committee decision to retain listing 20 June 2016 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 66, one individual (status: denied)
Date Description 15 October 2015 Transmission of case 66 to the Committee 15 June 2016 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 8 August 2016 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 8 August 2016 Committee decision to retain listing 23 September 2016 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 67, Daniel Martin Schneider (status: delisted)
Date Description 3 February 2016 Transmission of case 67 to the Committee 29 April 2016 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 17 June 2016 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 5 July 2016 Committee decision to delist 22 August 2016 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 68, one individual (status: denied)
Date Description 22 March 2016 Transmission of case 68 to the Committee 23 November 2016 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 3 February 2017 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 3 February 2017 Committee decision to retain listing 5 April 2017 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 69, Ata Abdoulaziz Rashid (status: delisted)
Date Description 8 June 2016 Transmission of case 69 to the Committee 30 December 2016 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 1 March 2017 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 1 May 2017 Committee decision to delist 19 May 2017 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 70, Fahd Muhammad Abd al-Aziz al-Khashiban (status: delisted)
Date Description 12 July 2016 Transmission of case 70 to the Committee 16 January 2017 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 1 March 2017 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 16 March 2017 Committee decision to delist 27 March 2017 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 71, Othman Deramchi (status: delisted)
Date Description 3 August 2016 Transmission of case 71 to the Committee 6 April 2017 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 19 May 2017 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 20 July 2017 Committee decision to delist 1 August 2017 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 72, Dieman Abdulkadir Izzat (status: delisted)
Date Description 9 September 2016 Transmission of case 72 to the Committee 27 February 2017 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 11 April 2017 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 28 April 2017 Committee decision to delist 9 May 2017 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 73, one individual (status: denied)
Date Description 23 September 2016 Transmission of case 73 to the Committee 11 May 2017 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 13 July 2017 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 13 July 2017 Committee decision to retain listing 26 July 2017 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 74, Fritz Martin Gelowicz (status: delisted)
Date Description 17 October 2016 Transmission of case 72 to the Committee 7 March 2017 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 11 April 2017 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 28 April 2017 Committee decision to delist 9 May 2017 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 75, one individual (status: denied)
Date Description 17 November 2016 Transmission of case 75 to the Committee 17 May 2017 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 13 July 2017 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 13 July 2017 Committee decision to retain listing 26 July 2017 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons Case 76, one individual (status: denied)
Date Description 22 November 2016 Transmission of case 76 to the Committee 19 July 2017 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 23 October 2017 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 23 October 2017 Committee decision to retain listing 26 October 2017 Formal notification to petitioner with reasons 8 November 2017 Notification of reasons to petitioner Case 77, Adil Muhammad Mahmud Abd al-Khaliq (status: delisted)
Date Description 28 November 2016 Transmission of case 77 to the Committee 24 May 2017 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 13 July 2017 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the Ombudsperson to the Committee 28 July 2017 Committee decision to delist 28 July 2017 Formal notification of decision to petitioner 7 August 2017 Notification of reasons to petitioner Case 78, Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Hussein (status: delisted)
Date Description 7 December 2016 Transmission of case 78 to the Committee 7 August 2017 Comprehensive report submitted to the Committee 23 October 2017 Presentation of the comprehensive report by the former Ombudsperson to the Committee 26 December 2017 Committee decision to delist 26 December 2017 Formal notification of decision to petitioner 24 January 2018 Notification of reasons to petitioner Case 79, one individual (status: information-gathering phase)
Date Description 27 March 2017 Transmission of case 79 to the Committee 27 February 2018 Deadline for completion of the extended information-gathering phase (additional extension of the information-gathering phase approved by the Committee as a transitional measure while awaiting the appointment of a new Ombudsperson) Case 80, one individual (status: Informal Information-gathering phase)
Date Description 11 December 2017 Transmission of case 80 to the Committee Information-gathering informally started by the Office of the Ombudsperson pending formal decision on admissibility by the incoming Ombudsperson upon taking office
1. Esta cifra incluye un caso, que se cerró en 2011, en el que el solicitante retiró su petición después de que la Ombudsman hubiera enviado y presentado su informe al Comité. También incluye un caso, que se cerró en 2013, en el que el Comité decidió suprimir de la Lista el nombre del solicitante después de que la Ombudsman enviara su informe al Comité, pero antes de que lo presentara. Esta cifra no incluye otros dos casos, cerrados en 2013, en los que los argumentos de la Ombudsman quedaron sin efecto cuando el Comité decidió suprimir de la Lista los nombres de los autores de las solicitudes antes de que la Ombudsman enviara su informe. [Volver]
2. "While the legal officer may attempt to informally collect information relevant to a new petition to assist the future new Ompudsperson in making an admissibility determination, the acceptance of a new petition and the time period for the information gathering phase under Resolution 2368 would not begin, and cooperation with the legal officer in this regard in the absence of a new Ombudsperson would be voluntary." [Volver]
Islamic paramilitary organizations
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