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American War and Military Operations Casualties: Lists and Statistics
Sources of Statistics
Sources of Published Lists of Names of War Dead or Other Demographic IndicatorsWorld War I
CRS Reports
World War II
Korean War
Vietnam War
Persian Gulf War (Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield)
Global War on Terror
Related Sources
Wars Prior to World War I
Additional WebsitesTables
Table 1. Principal Wars of Conflicts in Which the United States Participated: U.S. Military Personnel Serving and Casualties
Table 2. Worldwide U.S. Active Duty Military Deaths in Selected Military Operations
Table 3. Active Duty Military Deaths: Race/Ethnicity Summary
Table 4. U.S. Active Duty Military Deaths, 1980-2010, Part I: Total Military Personnel
Table 5. U.S. Active Duty Military Deaths, 1980- 2010, Part II: Cause of Death
Table 6. Korean War: Casualty Summary
Table 7. Vietnam Conflict: Casualty Summary
Table 8. Persian Gulf War: Casualty Summary
Table 9. Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF): Casualty Summary by Casualty Category
Table 10. Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF): Military Deaths
Table 11. Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF): Military Wounded in Action
Table 12. Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF): Casualty Summary by Casualty Categor
Table 13. Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF): Military Deaths
Table 14. Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF): Wounded in Action
Table 15. Operation New Dawn (OND): Casualty Summary by Casualty Category
Table 16. Operation New Dawn (OND): Military Deaths
Table 17. Operation New Dawn: Military Wounded in Action
Table 18. Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR): Casualties
Table 19. U.S. Coast Guard Service Casualties
This report provides U.S. war casualty statistics. It includes data tables containing the number of casualties among American military personnel who served in principal wars and combat actions from 1775 to the present. It also includes data on those wounded in action and information such as race and ethnicity, gender, branch of service, and cause of death. The tables are compiled from various Department of Defense (DOD) sources.
Wars covered include the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam Conflict, and the Persian Gulf War. Military operations covered include the Iranian Hostage Rescue Mission; Lebanon Peacekeeping; Urgent Fury in Grenada; Just Cause in Panama; Desert Shield and Desert Storm; Restore Hope in Somalia; Uphold Democracy in Haiti; and the ongoing Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Operation New Dawn (OND), and Operation Inherent Resolve.
For the more recent conflicts, starting with the Korean War, the report includes additional detailed information on types of casualties and, when available, demographics. It also cites a number of resources for further information, including sources of historical statistics on active duty military deaths, published lists of military personnel killed in combat actions, data on demographic indicators among U.S. military personnel, related websites, and relevant Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports.
This report provides war casualty statistics. It includes data tables containing the number of fatalities and the number of wounded among American military personnel who served in principal wars and combat actions from 1775 to the present. It also includes information such as race and ethnicity, gender, branch of service, and, in some cases, detailed information on types of casualties and causes of death.
A review of the composite data reveals the following:
- During the period between the Revolutionary War and the present, the Civil War produced the most American casualties, when both Union statistics and Confederate estimates are taken into account.
- World War II was the first war in which there were more battle casualties than deaths from other causes, such as accidents, disease, and infections.
Casualty statistics for wars that ended long ago are updated periodically, sometimes yearly. These updates almost always reflect the identification of remains of persons previously listed as missing in action and the reclassification of those persons as dead. Other reasons, much less frequent, include the discovery of errors in casualty records for individuals or categories of people.
Casualty statistics for conflicts prior to the Persian Gulf War (Desert Shield and Desert Storm) are updated periodically by the Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS) of the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC). Casualty figures for Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Operation New Dawn (OND), and Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) are updated daily. Links to the sources for casualty figures appear below each table in this report.
Table 1 lists casualty statistics for battles, attacks, or operations for which the Congressional Research Service (CRS) receives numerous requests.
Table 19 lists casualties published by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Historian's Office. In response to congressional requests, CRS includes Coast Guard casualty data as provided by USCG in addition to DOD data. The USCG, although an armed service, was an agency under the jurisdiction of several federal agencies, including the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). The Coast Guard remained under USDOT until February 2003, when it was placed within the Department of Homeland Security.
Table 1. Principal Wars of Conflicts in Which the United States Participated: U.S. Military Personnel Serving and Casualties
War or Conflict Branch
of ServiceNumber
Not MortalaRevolutionary Warb
1775-1783Total -- 4,435 4,435 -- 6,188 Army -- 4,044 4,044 -- 6,004 Navy -- 342 342 -- 114 Marines -- 49 49 -- 70 War of 1812c
1812-1815Total 286,730 2,260 2,260 -- 4,505 Army -- 1,950 1,950 -- 4,000 Navy -- 265 265 -- 439 Marines -- 45 45 -- 66 Mexican Warc
1846-1848Total 78,718 13,283 1,733 11,550 4,152 Army -- 13,271 1,721 11,550 4,102 Navy -- 1 1 -- 3 Marines -- 11 11 -- 47 Civil Warc
(Union Forces Only)d
1861-1865Total 2,213,363 364,511 140,414 224,097 281,881 Army 2,128,948 359,528 138,154 221,374 280,040 Navy 84,415 4,523 2,112 2,411 1,710 Marines e 460 148 312 131 Spanish-American War
1898-1901Total 306,760 2,446 385 2,061 1,662 Armyf 280,564 2,340 369 2,061 1,594 Navy 22,875 10 10 -- 47 Marines 3,321 6 6 -- 21 World War I
1917-1918Total 4,734,991 116,516 53,402 63,114 204,002 Armyg 4,057,101 106,378 50,510 55,868 193,663 Navy 599,051 7,287 431 6,856 819 Marines 78,839 2,851 2,461 390 9,520 World War II
1941-1946hTotal 16,1 12,566 405,399 291,557 113,842 670,846 Armyi 11,260,000 318,274 234,874 83,400 565,861 Navyj 4,183,466 62,614 36,950 25,664 37,778 Marines 669,100 24,511 19,733 4,778 67,207 Korean Wark
1950-1953Total 5,720,000 36,574 33,739 2,835 103,284 Army 2,834,000 29,856 27,731 2,125 77,596 Navy 1,177,000 657 503 154 1,576 Marines 424,000 4,509 4,267 242 23,744 Air Force 1,285,000 1,552 1,238 314 368 Vietnam Conflictl
1964-1973Total 8,744,000 58,220 47,434 10,786 Hosp. Care Req'd:
No Hospital Care:
150,341Army 4,368,000 38,224 30,963 7,261 Hosp. Care Req'd:
No Hospital Care:
104,723Navy 1,842,000 2,566 1,631 935 Hosp. Care Req'd:
No Hospital Care:
5,898Marines 794,000 14,844 13,095 1,749 Hosp. Care Req'd:
No Hospital Care:
37,202Air Force 1,740,000 2,586 1,745 841 Hosp. Care Req'd:
No Hospital Care:
2,518Persian Gulf Warm
1990-1991Total 2,225,000 383 148 235 467 Army 782,000 224 98 126 354 Navy 669,000 56 6 50 12 Marines 213,000 68 24 44 92 Air Force 561,000 35 20 15 9 Source: Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS),
Notes: Data prior to World War I are based on incomplete records in many cases. Casualty data are confined to dead and wounded and, therefore, exclude personnel captured or missing in action who were subsequently returned to military control.a. Marine Corps data for World War II, the Spanish-American War, and prior wars represent the number of individuals wounded, whereas all other data in this column represent the total number (incidence) of wounds.
b. Number serving not known, but estimates range from 184,000 to 250,000.
c. As reported by the Commissioner of Pensions in the annual report for FY1903.
d. Authoritative statistics for the Confederate forces are not available. Estimates of the number who served range from 600,000 to 1,500,000. The final report of the Provost Marshal General, 1863-1866, indicated 133,821 Confederate deaths (74,524 battle and 59,297 other) based upon incomplete returns. In addition, an estimated 26,000 to 31,000 Confederate personnel died in Union prisons.
e. The Marine Corps number serving is included in the Navy total.
f. Number serving covers the period April 21, 1898, to August 13, 1898, whereas dead and wounded data are for the period May 1, 1898, to August 31, 1898. Active hostilities ceased on August 13, 1898, but ratifications of the Treaty of Peace were not exchanged between the United States and Spain until April 11, 1899.
g. Includes air service. Battle deaths and wounds not mortal include casualties suffered by American forces in northern Russia to August 25, 1919, and in Siberia to April 1, 1920. Other deaths cover the period from April 1, 1917, to December 31, 1918.
h. Data are for the period December 1, 1941, through December 31, 1946, when hostilities were officially terminated by presidential proclamation, but a few battle deaths or wounds not mortal were incurred after the Japanese acceptance of the Allied peace terms on August 14, 1945. Numbers serving from December 1, 1941, through August 31, 1945, were as follows: Total 14,903,213; Army 10,420,000; Navy 3,883,520; and Marine Corps 599,693.
i. Includes Army air forces, also known as the Army Air Corps.
j. Battle deaths and wounds not mortal include casualties incurred in October 1941 due to hostile action.
k. Worldwide military deaths during the Korean War totaled 54,246. In-theater casualty records are updated annually.
l. Number serving covers the period August 5, 1964 ("Vietnam era" begins), through January 27, 1973 (date of cease-fire). Deaths include the period November 1, 1955 (commencement date for the Military Assistance Advisory Group), through May 15, 1975 (date last American service members left Southeast Asia). Casualty records are updated annually, including current deaths that are directly attributed to combat in the Vietnam Conflict. Additional detail shows the number of wounded-in-action service members not requiring hospital care.
m. For this conflict, Coast Guard numbers are included with Navy. Report does not include one service member missing in action (Captain Michael "Scott" Speicher, whose remains were recovered in Iraq in 2009).
Table 2. Worldwide U.S. Active Duty Military Deaths in Selected Military Operations
Military Operation/Incident Casualty Type Army Navy Air Force Marine Corps Total Iranian Hostage Rescue Mission
April 25, 1980Nonhostilea 0 0 5 3 8 Lebanon Peacekeeping
August 25, 1982 - February 26, 1984Hostileb 3 19 0 234 256 Nonhostile 5 2 0 2 9 Total 8 21 0 236 265 Urgent Fury, Grenada
1983Hostile 11 4 0 3 18 Nonhostile 1 0 0 0 1 Total 12 4 0 3 19 Just Cause, Panama
1989Hostile 18 4 0 1 23 Persian Gulf War
1990-1991Desert Shield Nonhostile 21 36 9 18 84 Desert Storm Hostile 98 6 20 24 148 Nonhostile 105 14 6 26 151 Desert Storm Total 203 20 26 50 299 Desert Shield/ and Desert Storm Total 224 56 35 68 383 Restore Hope and Unosom, Somalia,
1992-1994Hostile 27 0 0 2 29 Nonhostile 4 0 8 2 14 Total 31 0 8 4 43 Uphold Democracy, Haiti
1994-1996Nonhostile 3 0 0 1 4 Source: DCAS,
a. According to the Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, as amended through August 31, 2005, a nonhostile casualty is a casualty that is not directly attributable to hostile action or terrorist activity, such as casualties due to the elements, self-inflicted wounds, or combat fatigue. The current version of the Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, as amended through July 16, 2014, uses the term nonbattle casualty for nonhostile casualty. See
b. The dictionary named above defines a hostile casualty as a person who is the victim of a terrorist activity or who becomes a casualty in action. In action characterizes the casualty as having been the direct result of hostile action, sustained in combat or relating thereto, or sustained going to or returning from a combat mission provided the occurrence was directly related to hostile action. Included are persons killed or wounded mistakenly or accidentally by friendly fire directed at a hostile force or what is thought to be a hostile force. However, not to be considered as sustained in action and not to be interpreted as hostile casualties are injuries or death due to the elements, self-inflicted wounds, combat fatigue, and, except in unusual cases, wounds or death inflicted by a friendly force while the individual is in an absent-without-leave, deserter, or dropped-from-rolls status or is voluntarily absent from a place of duty.
Table 3. Active Duty Military Deaths: Race/Ethnicity Summary
(as of July 25, 2009)
Race/Ethnicity Korean War Vietnam Conflict Persian Gulf War Number of Deaths F M F M F M American Indian or Alaska Native 0 104 0 226 0 3 Asian 0 241 0 139 0 1 Black or African American 0 3,075 0 7,243 3 63 Hispanic or Latino 0 306 0 0 0 1 Hispanic or Latino-- One or More Races 0 576 0 350 0 14 More Than One Race or Unknown 0 2,853 0 204 0 3 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0 148 0 229 0 2 White 2 29,269 8 49,826 12 280 Total 2 36,572 8 58,217 15 367 Percentagea F M F M F M American Indian or Alaska Native 0 0.3 0 0.4 0 0.8 Asian 0 0.7 0 0.2 0 0.3 Black or African American 0 8.4 0 12.4 20.0 17.2 Hispanic or Latino 0 0.8 0 0 0 0.3 Hispanic or Latino--One or More Races 0 1.6 0 0.6 0 3.8 More Than One Race or Unknown 0 7.8 0 0.4 0 0.8 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0 0.4 0 0.4 0 0.5 White 0 80.0 0 85.6 80.0 76.3 Totalb 0 100.0 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Source: Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC),
Note: Prior to the Korean War, race often went untracked. In the few cases in which race was tracked or recorded, soldiers were given a choice between some variation of "white" or "black;" categories such as "Hispanic or Latino," "Asian," or "Native American" were not used. "F" indicates female, and "M" indicates male.
a. Percentages of total female or male deaths, divided by ethnicity. For instance, in the Persian Gulf War, 20% of female deaths were black or African American and 80% of female deaths were white.b. Totals may not equal 100% due to rounding. Figures include worldwide and Global War on Terror deaths.
Table 4. U.S. Active Duty Military Deaths, 1980-2010, Part I: Total Military Personnel
(as of November 2011)
Calendar Year Active Duty Full-Time (est.)
Guard-ReserveSelected Reserve
Military FTETotal Deaths 1980 2,050,758 22,000 86,872 2, 159,630 2,392 1981 2,093,032 22,000 91,719 2,206,751 2,380 1982 2,112,609 41,000 97,458 2,251,067 2,319 1983 2,123,909 49,000 100,455 2,273,364 2,465 1984 2,138,339 55,000 104,583 2,297,922 1,999 1985 2,150,379 64,000 108,806 2,323,185 2,252 1986 2,177,845 69,000 113,010 2,359,855 1,984 1987 2,166,611 71,000 115,086 2,352,697 1,983 1988 2,121,659 72,000 115,836 2,309,495 1,819 1989 2,112,128 74,200 117,056 2,303,384 1,636 1990 2,046,806 74,250 137,268 2,258,324 1,507 1991 1,943,937 70,250 184,002 2,198,189 1,787 1992 1,773,996 67,850 111,491 1,953,337 1,293 1993 1,675,269 68,500 105,768 1,849,537 1,213 1994 1,581,649 65,000 99,833 1,746,482 1,075 1995 1,502,343 65,000 94,585 1,661,928 1,040 1996 1,456,266 65,000 92,409 1,613,675 974 1997 1,418,773 65,000 94,609 1,578,382 817 1998 1,381,034 65,000 92,536 1,538,570 827 1999 1,367,838 65,000 93,104 1,525,942 796 2000 1,372,352 65,000 93,078 1,530,430 832 2001 1,384,812 65,000 102,284 1,552,096 943 2002 1,411,200 66,000 149,942 1,627,142 1,051 2003 1,423,348 66,000 243,284 1,732,632 1,399 2004 1,411,287 66,000 234,629 1,711,916 1,847 2005 1,378,014 66,000 220,000 1,664,014 1,929 2006 1,371,533 72,000 168,000 1,611,533 1,882 2007 1,368,226 72,000 168,000 1,608,226 1,953 2008 1,402,227 73,000 207,917 1,683,144 1,440 2009 1,421,668 75,000 144,083 1,640,751 1,515 2010 1,430,985 76,000 178,193 1,685,178 1,485 Source: DCAS,
Note: Official Department of Defense (DOD) end-strengths as of December 3I for military pay accounts. Excludes full-time Guard and Reserve.a. Full-time equivalent (FTE) is based on official DOD fiscal year end selected reserve strength (10% of the figure is used to estimate days on active duty).
Table 5. U.S. Active Duty Military Deaths, 1980- 2010, Part II: Cause of Death
(as of November 2011)
DeathsAccident Hostile
ActionHomicide Illness Pending Self-
AttackUndetermined 1980 2,392 1,556 0 174 419 0 231 1 11 1981 2,380 1,524 0 145 457 0 241 0 13 1982 2,319 1,493 0 108 446 0 254 2 16 1983 2,465 1,413 18 115 419 0 218 263 19 1984 1,999 1,293 1 84 374 0 225 6 16 1985 2,252 1,476 0 111 363 0 275 5 22 1986 1,984 1,199 2 103 384 0 269 0 27 1987 1,983 1,172 37 104 383 0 260 2 25 1988 1,819 1,080 0 90 321 0 285 17 26 1989 1,636 1,000 23 58 294 0 224 0 37 1990 1,507 880 0 74 277 0 232 1 43 1991 1,787 931 147 112 308 0 256 0 33 1992 1,293 676 0 109 252 0 238 1 17 1993 1,213 632 0 86 221 0 236 29 9 1994 1,075 544 0 83 206 0 232 0 10 1995 1,040 538 0 67 174 0 250 7 4 1996 974 527 1 52 173 0 188 19 14 1997 817 433 0 42 170 0 159 0 13 1998 827 445 0 26 174 0 165 3 14 1999 796 439 0 38 154 0 150 0 15 2000 832 429 0 37 180 0 153 17 16 2001 943 461 12 49 197 0 153 46 25 2002 1,051 565 17 54 213 0 174 0 28 2003 1,399 597 312 46 231 1 190 0 22 2004 1,847 605 735 46 256 0 197 0 8 2005 1,929 646 739 54 280 1 182 0 27 2006 1,882 561 769 47 257 8 213 0 27 2007 1,953 561 847 52 237 22 211 0 23 2008 1,440 506 352 47 244 6 259 1 25 2009 1,515 467 346 77 277 19 302 0 27 2010 1,485 424 456 39 238 22 289 0 17 Source: DCAS,
Table 6. Korean War: Casualty Summary
(as of December 22, 2014)
Casualty Type Total Army Air Force Marines Navy Killed in Action 23,613 19,715 209 3,320 369 Died of Wounds 2,460 1,887 14 532 27 Missing in Action--Declared Dead 4,817 3,337 991 386 103 Captured--Declared Dead 2,849 2,792 24 29 4 Total Hostile Deaths 33,739 27,731 1,238 4,267 503 Missing--Presumed Dead 8 4 4 0 0 Other Deaths 2,827 2,121 310 242 154 Total Nonhostile Deaths 2,835 2,125 314 242 154 Total In-Theater Deathsa 36,574 29,856 1,552 4,509 657 Total Non-Theater Deaths 17,672 7,277 5,532 1,019 3,844 Total Deaths 54,246 37,133 7,084 5,528 4,501 Killed in Action (No Remains) 1,521 1,072 49 252 148 Died of Wounds (No Remains) 22 22 0 0 0 Missing in Action--Declared Dead (No Remains) 4,549 3,276 807 372 94 Captured--Declared Dead (No Remains) 1,891 1,850 13 25 3 Nonhostile Missing--Presumed Dead (No Remains) 8 4 4 0 0 Nonhostile Other Deaths (No Remains) 84 5 37 6 36 Total--No Remains 8,075 6,229 910 655 281 Wounded--Not Mortal 103,284 77,596 368 23,744 1,576 Number Serving Worldwideb 5,720,000 2,834,000 1,285,000 424,000 1,177,000 Number Serving In-Theaterb 1,789,000 1,153,000 241,000 130,000 265,000 Source: DCAS,
a. Inclusive dates are June 25, 1950, to July 27, 1953. Casualty dates after the end date represent service members who were wounded during the period and subsequently died as a result of those wounds and service members who were involved in an incident during the period and were later declared dead.
b. Estimated figures.
Table 7. Vietnam Conflict: Casualty Summary
(as of December 22, 2014)
Casualty Type Total Army Air Force Marines Navya Killed in Action 40,934 27,047 1,080 11,501 1,306 Died of Wounds 5,299 3,610 51 1,486 152 Missing in Action--Declared Dead 1,085 261 589 98 137 Captured--Declared Dead 116 45 25 10 36 Total Hostile Deaths 47,434 30,963 1,745 13,095 1,631 Missing--Presumed Dead 123 118 0 3 2 Other Deaths 10,663 7,143 841 1,746 933 Total Nonhostile Deaths 10,786 7,261 841 1,749 935 Total In-Theater Deaths 58,220 38,224 2,586 14,844 2,566 Killed in Action (No Remains) 575 173 206 102 94 Missing in Action--Declared Dead (No Remains) 691 201 339 74 77 Captured--Declared Dead (No Remains) 52 32 7 3 10 Nonhostile Missing--Presumed Dead (No Remains) 91 86 0 3 2 Nonhostile Other Deaths (No Remains) 332 69 30 37 196 Total--No Remains 1,741 561 582 219 379 Wounded--Not Mortal 153,303 96,802 931 51,392 4,178 Number Serving Worldwideb 8,744,000 4,368,000 1,740,000 794,000 1,842,000 Number Serving Southeast Asia 3,403,000 2,276,000 385,000 513,000 229,000 Number Serving South Vietnam 2,594,000 1,736,000 293,000 391,000 174,000 Source: DCAS,
Notes: Inclusive dates are November 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975. Casualty dates after the end date represent service members who were wounded during the period and subsequently died as a result of those wounds and those service members who were involved in an incident during the period and were later declared dead.
a. Includes Coast Guard.
b. Estimated figures.
Table 8. Persian Gulf War: Casualty Summary
(Desert Shield and Desert Storm; as of December 22, 2014)
Casualty Type Total Army Air Force Marines Navya Killed in Action 144 96 20 22 6 Died of Wounds 4 2 0 2 0 Missing in Action--Declared Dead 0 0 0 0 0 Captured--Declared Dead 0 0 0 0 0 Total Hostile Deaths 148 98 20 24 6 Missing--Presumed Dead 12 0 2 8 2 Other Deaths 223 126 13 36 48 Total Nonhostile Deaths 235 126 15 44 50 Total In-Theater Deaths 383 224 35 68 56 Total Non-Theater Deaths 1,565 608 299 171 487 Total Deaths 1,948 832 334 239 543 Killed in Action (No Remains) 2 0 0 0 2 Missing in Action (No Remains) 0 0 0 0 0 Captured--Declared Dead (No Remains) 0 0 0 0 0 Nonhostile Missing--Presumed Dead (No Remains) 12 0 2 8 2 Total--No Remains 14 0 2 8 4 Wounded--Not Mortal 467 354 9 92 12 Serving Worldwideb 2,225,000 782,000 561,000 213,000 669,000 Serving In-Theater--Active Duty 584,342 271,654 70,741 90,866 151,081 Serving In-Theater--Recalled 110,208 78,512 11,666 12,660 7,370 Source: DCAS,
Notes: Inclusive dates are August 7, 1990, to January 15, 1991. Any casualty counted after the end date represents a service member who was wounded during the period and subsequently died as a result of those wounds or a service member who was in a missing status during part of the war period and later declared dead.a. Includes Coast Guard.
b. Estimated figures.
Tables 9 through 11 provide casualty statistics for OEF, which began on October 7, 2001. |1| Data for OEF are updated on a daily basis. Daily casualty summaries are available at DOD's website:
Tables 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 provide ethnicity statistics for OEF, OIF, and OND. A U.S. Office of Management and Budget mandate, Directive No. 15, requires all federal record keeping and data presentation to use race and ethnicity categories. For further explanation, see
Table 9. Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF): Casualty Summary by Casualty Category
(as of December 22, 2014)
Casualty Type Total Army Navy Marines Air Force Killed in Action 1,369 999 77 245 48 Died of Woundsa 473 329 7 133 4 Died of Terrorist Activities 2 0 0 0 2 Total Hostile Deaths 1,844 1,328 84 378 54 Accident 305 194 25 52 34 Illness/Injury 61 40 11 5 5 Homicide 13 10 0 3 0 Self-Inflicted 116 84 8 19 5 Undetermined 12 7 3 1 1 Pendingb 1 0 1 0 0 Total Nonhostile Deaths 508 335 48 80 45 Total Deaths 2,352 1,663 132 458 99 Total Wounded In Action 20,065 14,204 414 4,946 501 Source: DCAS,
a. Includes those who died of wounds where wounding occurred in the theater and death occurred elsewhere.
b. Pending is defined as final category to be determined at a later date.
Table 10. Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF): Military Deaths
(as of December 22, 2014)
Totals Army Navy Marines Air Force Casualty Type Hostile 1,844 1,328 84 378 54 Nonhostile 508 335 48 80 45 Total 2,352 1,663 132 458 99 Gender Female 51 36 5 2 8 Male 2,301 1,627 127 456 91 Total 2,352 1,663 132 458 99 Officer/Enlisted E1-E4 1,123 772 35 293 23 E5-E9 933 681 78 131 43 Officer 296 210 19 34 33 Total 2,352 1,663 132 458 99 Age Aged <22 513 336 16 156 5 22-24 538 365 18 137 18 25-30 729 535 39 123 32 31-35 262 186 33 23 20 >35 310 241 26 19 24 Total 2,352 1,663 132 4578 99 Component Active 2,033 1,381 125 436 91 Reserve 100 67 7 22 4 National Guard 219 215 0 0 4 Total 2,352 1,663 132 458 99 Race American Indian or Alaska Native 30 15 7 6 2 Asian 62 47 6 8 1 Black or African American 193 174 12 28 6 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 8 5 1 2 0 White 1,999 1,412 99 409 79 Multiple Races 30 19 6 1 4 Unknown 30 18 1 4 7 Total 2,352 1,663 132 458 99 Ethnicity Asian (Other) 15 6 2 3 4 Chinese 1 0 0 1 0 Cuban 3 3 0 0 0 Filipino 17 11 3 3 0 Guamanian 9 9 0 0 0 Hispanic or Spanish 95 65 9 18 3 Indian 3 2 0 1 0 Indian Tribes U.S. 18 11 1 4 2 Japanese 1 0 0 0 1 Korean 9 8 1 0 0 Latin American 36 17 3 15 1 Melanesian 1 0 0 0 1 Mexican 38 24 0 13 1 None 1,921 1,344 108 388 81 Other 126 112 3 8 3 Micronesian 3 3 0 0 0 Pacific Islander (Other) 13 11 1 1 0 Polynesian 4 3 1 0 0 Puerto Rican 26 21 0 3 2 Vietnamese 1 1 0 0 0 Not Specified 12 12 0 0 0 Total 2,352 1,663 132 458 99 Source: DCAS,
Table 11. Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF): Military Wounded in Action
(as of December 22, 2014)
Totals Army Navy Marines Air Force Casualty Type Hostile 20,065 14,204 414 4,946 501 Total 20,065 14,204 414 4,946 501 Gender Female 376 314 5 29 28 Male 19,628 13,890 371 4,894 473 Not Specified 61 0 38 23 0 Total 20,065 14,204 414 4,946 501 Officer/Enlisted E1-E4 11,907 7,938 212 3,597 160 E5-E9 6,825 5,200 178 1,151 296 Officer 1,317 1,051 24 197 45 Total 20,065 14,204 414 4,946 501 Age Aged <22 4,927 3,070 59 1,767 31 22-24 5,708 3,849 112 1,641 106 25-30 5,902 4,427 121 1,156 198 31-35 1,843 1,475 46 241 81 >35 1,528 1,291 37 117 83 Unknown 157 92 39 24 2 Total 20,065 14,204 414 4,946 501 Component Active 17,593 12,102 394 4,675 422 Reserve 800 489 20 271 20 National Guard 1,672 1,613 0 0 59 Total 20,065 14,204 414 4,946 501 Race American Indian or Alaska Native 188 116 23 45 4 Asian 389 307 18 58 6 Black or African American 1,407 1,154 30 191 32 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 78 25 8 42 3 White 16,347 12,220 243 3,448 436 Multiple Races 198 133 18 43 4 Unknown 1,458 249 74 1,119 16 Total 20,065 14,204 414 4,946 501 Ethnicity Aleut 1 1 0 0 0 Asian (Other) 74 37 1 32 4 Chinese 15 9 1 5 0 Cuban 11 4 0 6 1 Eskimo 9 3 0 6 0 Filipino 60 26 11 21 2 Guamanian 7 4 1 2 0 Hispanic or Spanish 430 256 46 125 3 Indian 33 14 1 17 1 Indian Tribes U.S. 53 21 7 23 2 Japanese 9 5 1 3 0 Korean 22 14 0 7 1 Latin American 138 89 8 38 3 Mexican 323 125 5 187 6 None 2,711 1,458 206 598 449 Other 13,659 11,369 8 2,260 22 Micronesian 8 7 1 0 0 Pacific Islander (Other) 37 21 1 15 0 Polynesian 6 3 0 3 0 Puerto Rican 84 58 2 21 3 Vietnamese 10 6 0 4 0 Not Specified 161 52 38 71 0 Unknown 2,204 622 76 1,502 4 Total 20,065 14,204 414 4,946 501 Source: DCAS,
Note: Casualty areas include in and around Afghanistan, Republic of the Philippines, Southwest Asia, and other locations.
Tables 12 through 14 provide casualty statistics for OIF, which began on March 20, 2003. |2| Major combat operations ended on September 1, 2010. |3| These statistics are revised on a daily basis as records are processed through the U.S. military system.
Table 12. Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF): Casualty Summary by Casualty Category
(as of December 22, 2014)
Casualty Type Total Army Navya Marines Air Force Killed in Action 2,676 1,921 62 664 29 Died of Wounds 799 610 1 188 0 Died While Missing In Action 1 1 0 0 0 Died While Captured 5 5 0 0 0 Died While Detained 1 0 1 0 0 Total Hostile Deaths 3,482 2,537 64 852 29 Accident 566 413 19 121 13 Illness/Injury 94 72 10 6 6 Homicide 36 23 4 7 2 Self-Inflicted 233 180 4 37 2 Undetermined 11 9 2 0 0 Total Nonhostile Deaths 930 697 39 171 23 Total Deaths 4,412 3,234 103 1,023 52 Total Wounded in Action 31,949 22,229 644 8,626 450 Source: DCAS,
Notes: Includes those who died of wounds where wounding occurred in theater and death occurred elsewhere.a. Navy totals include Coast Guard.
Table 13. Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF): Military Deaths
(as of December 22, 2014)
Totals Army Navya Marines Air Force Casualty Type Hostile 3,482 2,537 64 852 29 Nonhostile 930 697 39 171 23 Total 4,412 3,234 103 1,023 52 Gender Female 110 89 10 8 3 Male 4,302 3,145 93 1,015 49 Total 4,412 3,234 103 1,023 52 Officer/Enlisted E1-E4 2,541 1,711 43 774 13 E5-E9 1,444 1,194 49 174 27 Officer 427 329 11 75 12 Total 4,412 3,234 103 1,023 52 Age Aged <22 1,283 789 15 473 6 22-24 1,073 790 17 257 9 25-30 1,126 875 31 204 16 31-35 426 353 16 49 8 >35 503 426 24 40 13 Unknown 1 1 0 0 0 Total 4,412 3,234 103 1,023 52 Component Active 3,502 2,493 79 884 46 Reserve 413 246 24 139 4 National Guard 497 495 0 0 2 Total 4,412 3,234 103 1,023 52 Race American Indian or Alaska Native 43 27 1 15 0 Asian 77 63 5 9 0 Black or African American 439 372 12 48 7 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 17 10 1 6 0 White 3,640 2,626 82 892 40 Multiple Races 62 46 0 16 0 Unknown 134 90 2 37 5 Total 4,412 3,234 103 1,023 52 Ethnicity Asian (Other) 17 8 1 8 0 Chinese 6 5 0 1 0 Cuban 3 3 0 0 0 Eskimo 1 1 0 0 0 Filipino 41 29 2 8 2 Guamanian 1 1 0 0 0 Hispanic or Spanish 212 132 4 75 1 Indian 5 4 0 1 0 Indian Tribes U.S. 51 35 1 15 0 Japanese 2 2 0 0 0 Korean 13 10 0 3 0 Latin American 66 33 6 27 0 Melanesian 1 1 0 0 0 Mexican 136 88 1 45 2 None 3,461 2,567 87 767 40 Other 242 206 0 33 3 Micronesian 6 5 0 1 0 Pacific Islander (Other) 28 26 0 2 0 Polynesian 10 9 0 1 0 Puerto Rican 50 48 1 0 1 Vietnamese 6 4 0 2 0 Not Specified 54 17 0 34 3 Total 4,412 3,234 103 1,023 52 Source: DCAS,
a. Navy totals include one Coast Guard death.
Table 14. Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF): Wounded in Action
(as of December 22, 2014)
Totals Army Navy Marines Air Force Casualty Type Hostile 31,949 22,229 644 8,626 450 Total 31,949 22,229 644 8,626 450 Gender Female 627 547 6 41 33 Male 31,214 21,682 542 8,573 417 Not Specified 108 0 96 12 0 Total 31,949 22,229 644 8,626 450 Officer/Enlisted E1-E4 19,685 12,510 361 6,640 174 E5-E9 10,383 8,327 244 1,575 237 Officer 1,880 1,392 38 411 39 Total 31,948 22,229 643 8,626 450 Age Aged <22 8,892 5,262 133 3,432 65 22-24 7,997 5,764 153 1,974 106 25-30 7,542 5,926 140 1,345 131 31-35 3,063 2,557 80 372 54 >35 2,863 2,444 92 234 93 Unknown 1,592 276 46 1,269 1 Total 31,948 22,229 644 8,626 450 Component Active 24,930 16,443 541 7,573 373 Reserve 2,838 1,663 103 1,053 19 National Guard 4,181 4,123 0 0 58 Total 31,948 22,229 644 8,626 450 Race American Indian or Alaska Native 344 220 25 95 4 Asian 528 413 20 90 5 Black or African American 2,727 2,348 44 306 29 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 57 32 2 21 2 White 25,903 18,048 485 7,000 370 Multiple Races 322 243 15 57 7 Unknown 2,068 925 53 1,057 33 Total 31,949 22,229 644 8,626 450 Ethnicity Aleut 5 4 0 1 0 Asian (Other) 73 65 1 6 1 Chinese 20 18 0 2 0 Cuban 29 20 1 7 1 Eskimo 6 4 0 2 0 Filipino 126 95 9 18 4 Guamanian 14 13 1 0 0 Hispanic or Spanish 696 509 20 161 6 Indian 63 41 1 21 0 Indian Tribes U.S. 247 182 8 56 1 Japanese 15 12 2 1 0 Korean 57 52 0 3 2 Latin American 198 158 6 32 2 Melanesian 5 3 0 2 0 Mexican 818 548 15 238 17 None 7,143 6,023 190 557 373 Other 13,241 12,703 13 506 19 Micronesian 25 21 2 2 0 Pacific Islander (Other) 84 68 2 12 2 Polynesian 48 48 0 0 0 Puerto Rican 286 257 4 20 5 Vietnamese 30 26 0 4 0 Not specified 1,027 85 31 904 7 Out of range 3 0 0 3 0 Unknown 7,690 1,274 338 6,068 10 Total 31,949 22,229 644 8,626 450 Source: DCAS,
Tables 15 through 17 provide casualty statistics for Operation New Dawn (OND). Following the end of combat operations in Iraq (OIF) on September 1, 2010, use of the term Operation New Dawn began on the same day, at the beginning of stability operations. |4|
Table 15. Operation New Dawn (OND): Casualty Summary by Casualty Category
(as of December 22, 2014)
Casualty Category Total Army Navya Marines Air Force Killed in Action 22 22 0 0 0 Died of Woundsb 16 16 0 0 0 Total Hostile Deaths 38 38 0 0 0 Accident 5 3 0 0 2 Illness/Injury 7 5 1 0 1 Homicide 3 3 0 0 0 Self-Inflicted 12 10 1 0 1 Undetermined 1 1 0 0 0 Total Nonhostile Deaths 28 22 2 0 4 Total Deaths 66 60 2 0 4 Total--Wounded in Action 295 293 0 0 2 Source: DCAS,
a. Navy totals include Coast Guard.
b. Includes those who died of wounds where wounding occurred in theater and death occurred elsewhere. Any casualty counted after the end date represents a service member who was wounded during the period and subsequently died as a result of those wounds or a service member who was in a missing status during a part of the war period and later declared dead.
Table 16. Operation New Dawn (OND): Military Deaths
(as of December 22, 2014)
Totals Army Navya Marines Air Force Casualty Type Hostile 38 38 0 0 0 Nonhostile 28 22 2 0 4 Total 66 60 2 0 4 Gender Female 0 0 0 0 0 Male 66 60 2 0 4 Total 66 60 2 0 4 Officer/Enlisted E1-E4 38 33 1 0 4 E5-E9 20 20 0 0 0 Officer 8 7 1 0 0 Total 66 60 2 0 4 Age Aged <22 11 10 0 0 1 22-24 15 14 0 0 1 25-30 25 22 1 0 2 31-35 5 5 0 0 0 >35 10 9 1 0 0 Total 66 60 2 0 4 Component Active 54 49 1 0 4 Reserve 6 5 1 0 0 National Guard 6 6 0 0 0 Total 66 60 2 0 4 Race Asian 1 1 0 0 0 Black or African American 5 5 0 0 0 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1 1 0 0 0 White 58 52 2 0 4 Multiple Races 1 1 0 0 0 Total 66 60 2 0 4 Ethnicity Hispanic or Spanish 8 8 0 0 0 None 54 49 1 0 4 Other 1 0 1 0 0 Polynesian 1 1 0 0 0 Puerto Rican 2 2 0 0 0 Total 66 60 2 0 4 Source: DCAS,
a. Navy totals include Coast Guard.
Table 17. Operation New Dawn: Military Wounded in Action
(as of December 22, 2014)
Totals Army Navy Marines Air Force Casualty Type Hostile 295 293 0 0 2 Total 295 293 0 0 2 Gender Female 12 11 0 0 1 Male 283 282 0 0 1 Total 295 293 0 0 2 Officer/Enlisted E1-E4 177 177 0 0 0 E5-E9 99 97 0 0 2 Officer 19 19 0 0 0 Total 295 293 0 0 2 Age <22 62 62 0 0 0 22-24 67 67 0 0 0 25-30 103 102 0 0 1 31-35 28 28 0 0 0 >35 34 33 0 0 1 Unknown 1 1 0 0 0 Total 295 293 0 0 2 Component Active 218 217 0 0 1 Reserve 16 16 0 0 0 National Guard 61 60 0 0 1 Total 295 293 0 0 2 Race Asian 7 7 0 0 0 Black or African American 39 39 0 0 0 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1 1 0 0 0 White 241 239 0 0 2 Multiple Races 4 4 0 0 0 Unknown 3 3 0 0 0 Total 295 293 0 0 2 Ethnicity Cuban 1 1 0 0 0 Hispanic or Spanish 6 6 0 0 0 Korean 2 2 0 0 0 Latin American 3 3 0 0 0 Mexican 3 3 0 0 0 None 27 25 0 0 2 Other 233 233 0 0 0 Pacific Islander (Other) 1 1 0 0 0 Puerto Rican 4 4 0 0 0 Unknown 15 15 0 0 0 Total 295 293 0 0 2 Source: DCAS,
In an address to the American people on September 10, 2014, |5| President Obama described a four-part strategy to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Subsequently, on September 22, 2014, the president authorized U.S. Central Command to carry out military actions against the ISIL terrorists. |6| Table 18 lists casualties for Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR).
Table 18. Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR): Casualties
(as of December 23, 2014)
Total Deaths Deaths in Action Nonhostile Pending Wounded in Action OIR U.S. Military Casualties 3 0 3 0 0 OIR U.S. DOD Civilian Casualties 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 0 3 0 0 Sources: U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), News Releases at
Table 19 lists U.S. Coast Guard casualties, including those that occurred in Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, the Mediterranean Sea east of 25° longitude, the Persian Gulf, and the Red Sea.
Table 19. U.S. Coast Guard Service Casualties
War or Conflict Number Served Deaths in Action Wounded Total Casualties War of 1812 100 (?) Unknown Unknown Unknown Mexican War 71 officers Unknown Unknown Unknown Civil War 219 officers 1 Unknown Unknown Spanish-American War 660 1 0 1 World War I 8,835 111a Unknown Unknown World War II 241,093 574b Unknown 1,917 Korean War 8,500c 0 0 0 Vietnam War 8,000 7 60 67 Mayaguez Incident 8d 0 0 0 Grenada: Operation Urgent Fury 162 0 0 0 Panama: Operation Just Cause 9e 0 0 0 Operation Desert Shield/Storm 400 0 0 0 Kosovo 100 0 0 0 Operation Iraqi Freedom 1,250f 1 1 2 Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, United States Coast Guard. "Coast Guard History, Frequently Asked Questions" at
a. Includes 81 Coast Guard deaths from other causes (i.e., crashes, accidents, disease, or drowning).
b. There were an additional 1,343 Coast Guard deaths from other causes, such as crashes, accidents, disease, or drowning.
c. Equals the approximate number of Coast Guardsmen who were eligible for the Korean Service Medal.
d. Crewmen on board HC-I30B CG-1339 and one Coast Guard office participating in the U.S. Coast Guard-U.S. Navy Exchange Programs on board USS Harold E. Holt (FF-1074).
e. There were six personnel from Group Miami Law Enforcement Detachment (LEDET) stationed aboard the USS Vreeland (FF-1068), which was conducting operations when the ship was diverted for Operation Just Cause. Three other ships were assigned permanently to Panama and were also involved in the conflict. No casualties were incurred.
f. As of June 2004.
The Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) provides detailed historical tables as well as annual statistics on active duty military deaths. DMDC also lists names of the fallen for Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation New Dawn, and Operation Enduring Freedom. Office of the Historian, U.S. Coast Guard, provides a historical table listing the number of U.S. Coast Guardsmen who served and the number of casualties incurred in conflicts from the War of 1812 to Operation Iraqi Freedom to June, 2004. of Published Lists of Names of War Dead or Other Demographic Indicators
The Congressional Research Service receives many requests for lists of war dead. Names of the fallen are often engraved on memorials, mentioned in tributes, or used for other ceremonial purposes. The names of U.S. military personnel killed in major wars and other combat actions are published in the following sources:
Soldiers of the Great War, from the collection of the Harvard University Library. Available through the Internet Archive in various formats, including a digitized PDF by Google that may be accessed at American Battle Monuments Commission
The American Battle Monuments Commission's (ABMC's) "Burials and Memorializations" webpage lists the names of service members buried or memorialized in ABMC cemeteries overseas. The database allows searching by name, conflict (beginning with World War I), branch of service, unit number, state of entry, cemetery or memorial, and date of death. Personnel Casualty Lists
The National Archives' Online Public Access catalog allows the public to search the archives' military personnel casualty lists. The site may be accessed at American Battle Monuments Commission
ABMC's "Burials and Memorializations" webpage lists the names of service members buried or memorialized in ABMC cemeteries overseas. The database allows searching by name, conflict (beginning with World War I), branch of service, unit number, state of entry, cemetery or memorial, and date of death. State-Level Casualty Lists
The National Archives publishes casualty lists that may be searched by home state of record. American Battle Monuments Commission
ABMC's "Burials and Memorializations" webpage lists the names of service members buried or memorialized in ABMC cemeteries overseas. The database allows searching by name, conflict (beginning with World War I), branch of service, unit number, state of entry, cemetery or memorial, and date of death. State-Level Casualty Lists
The National Archives publishes casualty lists that may be searched by home state of record. American Battle Monuments Commission
ABMC's "Burials and Memorializations" webpage lists the names of service members buried or memorialized in ABMC cemeteries overseas. The database allows searching by name, conflict (beginning with World War I), branch of service, unit number, state of entry, cemetery or memorial, and date of death. Gulf War (Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield)
Persian Gulf War State-Level Casualty Lists
The National Archives publishes casualty lists that may be searched by home state of record. Enduring Freedom (OEF) Casualties
The National Archives publishes casualty lists that may be searched by home state of record. Iraqi Freedom (OIF) Casualties
The National Archives publishes casualty lists that may be searched by home state of record. Prisoner of War and Missing Personnel Office (DPMO)
DPMO's mission is to "Keep the Promise" by locating the remains, repatriating, or determining the whereabouts of missing Americans. Currently, 83,000 Americans are missing from World War II, the Korean War, the Cold War, Vietnam, and the Gulf War. Names of those who have been accounted for can be found on the DPMO's "Recently Accounted For" webpage at of casualties that are not available from a central source may in some cases be available at the state level from each state's or commonwealth's adjutant general's office or from military history detachments, military museums, state libraries, or archives. The National Guard Association, at, provides links to contacts for National Guard information in all 50 states as well as District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
U.S. Casualty Status is a daily update of casualties published by DOD for OEF, OIF, OND, and OIR. News Releases contain daily news, including military personnel fatalities by name. The releases archive at the bottom of the webpage dates to October 1994. Report R41084, Afghanistan Casualties: Military Forces and Civilians, by Susan G. Chesser. CRS Report RS22452, A Guide to U.S. Military Casualty Statistics: Operation Inherent Resolve, Operation New Dawn, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom, by Hannah Fischer. CRS Report R42738, Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2014, by Barbara Salazar Torreon. CRS Report RS21405, U.S. Periods of War and Dates of Current Conflicts, by Barbara Salazar Torreon. [Source: By Nese F. DeBruyne and Anne Leland, Congressional Research Service, RL32492, Washington D.C., 02Jan15. Nese F. DeBruyne and Anne Leland are both Information Research Specialists.]
1. Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS) database, [Back]
2. DCAS, [Back]
3. DCAS, [Back]
4. DCAS, [Back]
5. David Hudson, "President Obama: 'We Will Degrade and Ultimately Destroy ISIL,'" The White House Blog, September 10, 2014, at [Back]
6. The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, "Statement by the President on Airstrikes in Syria," at [Back]
![]() | This document has been published on 15Jan15 by the Equipo Nizkor and Derechos Human Rights. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. |