Joint Agreement in Support of Socioeconomic Projects of Private Development Organizations and Institutes.
This Joint Agreement in Support of Socioeconomic Prohects of Private Development Organizations and Institute is being entered into by and between:The Government of the Republic of the Philippines, hereinafter referred to as the GRP, through its Negotiating Panel headed by its Chairperson, Howard Q. Dee
The National Democratic Front of the Philippines, hereinafter referred to as the NDFP, through its Negotiating Panel headed by its Chairperson, Luis G. Jalandoni.
Whereas, both Parties are desirous of assisting private development organizations and institutes engaged in programs, projects and activities for the Filipino people's empowerment and for their socioeconomic development; andWhereas, these organizations and institutes are beneficial to the people and are helpful in laying the ground for a just and lasting peace.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the Parties hereby agree as follows:
Section 1. The GRP shall respect, encourage and extend appropriate support to such private development organizations and institutes that carry out programs, projects and activities in pursuit of all or any of the following aims and purposes:
- 1.1 To promote and lay the ground for a just and lasting peace based on the Filipino people's empowerment and their economic, social and cultural development;
- 1.2 To engage in research and planning for the Filipino people's empowerment and their economic, social and cultural development and to make recommendations on the basis of such studies and planning;
- 1.3 To undertake programs and projects for the promotion and protection of human rights in general and particularly the rights of workers, peasants, women, youth, children and indigenous peoples as well as the protection of the enviroment;
- 1.4 To undertake programs and projects of relief, rehabilitation and development beneficial to communities, families and individuals who have been victimized by human rights violations or whose incomes are below the poverty line;
- 1.5 To promote rural and urban cooperatives among the poor in order to make them self-reliant and allow them to raise their standard of living;
- 1.6 To generate the means of livelihood or employment for victims of human rights violations and released political detainees;
- 1.7 To cooperate with other entitites that are genuinely committed to advancing the rights and interest of the people; and
- 1.8 To carry out such other aims and purposes as are related to the foregoing.
Section 2. The aforesaid organizations and institutes, hereinafter referred to as the "organizations," shall be self-governing and independent, as may be provided for in their respective charters. In order to transact business and carry on their work, they shall take an appropriate legal status and juridical personality.
Section 3. The organizations and institutes referred to in the preceding section are legitimate organizations entitled to all the rights, privileges, protection and legal remedies enjoyed by other similar organizations. Accordingly, they and their personnel shall not be subjected to discrimination or any other form of prejudicial action.
Section 1. The organizations shall raise, manage and use such financial and other resources as necessary to be able to carry out their programs, projects and activities.
Section 2. The organizations shall have access to such sources of funding and resources as are avalaible to similar organizations in the Philippines and abroad.
Section1. This Joint Agreement is being entered into in accordance with The Hague Joint Declaration.
Section 2. The obligations arising from the provisions of this Joint Agreement shall become effective and binding upon the approval hereof by the respective Principals of the GRP and NDFP Negotiating Panels.
Section 3. The Negotiating Panels or representatives of both Parties may consult each other regarding organizations to be assisted under this Agreement and execute such addtional joint agreements or undertakings as may be necessary to implement this Agreement.
The GRP and the organizations concerned shall work out the modalities of implementation.
Done on the 16th day of March 1998 in The Hague, The Netherlands.
- By Amb Howard Q. Dee; Chairperson, GRP Negotiating Panel
- Rep. Jose V. Yap, Member
- Sec Silvestre H. Bello III, Member
- Atty. Rene V. Sarmiento, Member
- Ms Zenaida H. Pawid, Member
- By: Luis G. Jalandoni, Chairperson, NDFP Negotiating Panel
- Fidel V. Agcaoili, Member
- Coni K. Ledesma, Member
- Asterio B. Palima, Member
- Jojo S. Magdiwang, Member
- Hon. Jose C. De Venecia, Speaker, House of Representatives GRP
- Jose Maria Sison, Chief Political Consultant, NDFP Negotianting Panel
- Usec. A. Wilfredo Clemente, DECS, GRP
- Antonio L Zumel, Senior Adviser NDFP Negotiating Panel
- Ms. MA. Carla L. Munsayac, Executive Director III, GRP Negotiating Panel Secretariat
- Romeo T. Capulong, General Counsel, NDFP Negotiating Panel.
Electronic Edition by Equipo Nizkor, 20aug99
Philippines: Peace Negociations
Published online by Equipo Nizkor & Derechos Human Rights